Sunday School
- Children Every Sunday after the Children’s Time
- Youth (grades 6 and up) are every Sunday start after Lord’s Prayer (approx. 10:45am) If you would like more information or want to volunteer as a teacher please contact the office. 989-739-8591
- Adult Sunday School is at 9am in the Upper Room

Like to sing? We are always looking for good vocalists to join us. Stop in on Sunday or contact the office for more information.
Praise Band
Youth Group
Our active 7th-12th grade youth group generally meets twice a month in the church youth room at 7 PM Sunday. We enjoy spontaneous and planned outings as well as a yearly one week mission opportunity.
Get more information on our active youth fellowship >>>
Caring & Sharing
A special group of people commit to the ministry of caring for people in our congregations, who need extra prayer, visits, notes, and cards. This group welcomes anyone with a heart for encouraging others.
If you or someone you know would benefit from in home Communion, prayers, a visit from us, a caring phone call, or a card please contact us at 989-739-8591 We are here for you!
United Methodist Men
Men of Faith meet the second Saturday of the month for breakfast at 8:30 AM. There’s great food, a short devotion, friendly conversation, and discussion on where we can apply our time, treasures, and talents to benefit our community. All men are welcome.
United Women in Faith
Regular meetings the third Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m. All women are welcome.
Healing Heart Grief Support Goup
During seasons of grief and loss, it is helpful to receive caring support of others who have already walked this path or who are on a similar journey. The Healing Hearts Grief Support Group meets on the second Friday of each month at 2 PM for a time of sharing and facilitated discussion.