These groups are hosted by the Oscoda United Methodist Church only.  If you need or want more information about the group or meeting schedule, please contact the group leadership. 

AA Meetings:  Tuesday at 5pm and Friday at 12pm in the Library 
ABC Quilters:  The second Tuesday of each month at 9am in  the Fellowship Hall
Boy Scouts:  Wednesday at 5pm in the Fellowship Hall 
                                 (Currently not meeting) 
Cub Scouts:  Tuesday at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall 
                                  (Currently not meeting) 
F.I.S.H.:  The fourth Monday of each moth at 1pm in the Library 
Force Challenge Cheerleading:  Thursday 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall
Girl Scouts (Daisy/Brownie):  Every other Tuesday at 4:45pm 
Girl Scouts:   Monday at 5:30pm 
Interdenominational Prayer Group:  Monday 10am
Quirky Quilters:  The third Tuesday of the month at 9am in the Fellowship Hall