Youth Fellowship:

Youth Leader, Jeff Senn
Youth Group meetings are usually bi-weekly each month in the church youth room. Grades 7-12. Please contact the office (989) 739-8591 or Jeff (989) 305-1375 for meeting times and dates.
Youth Fundraising:
Holy Spokes Bike Ride (Last Saturday in May)
Youth Events:
Annual Mission Trip
After 20 plus years, Jeff Senn is searching for his replacement as the youth leader. If interested please contact the church.
The Youth Leader is a volunteer position that requires someone with patience, is upbeat, enjoys interacting with youth, is flexibility, quick witted, familiar with the Bible, Jesus centered, and somewhat organized. The Youth group meets every other week and the Leader must be able to chaperone a week long mission trip once a year. If you would like to team up with another leader, that works too. Please contact Jeff Senn if you are interested or have questions.
If you know of any youth that would like to join our youth group, please contact either Jeff Senn or the office.