Oscoda UMC (989) 739-8591
Help with bus tokens for medical appointments, food pantry
Little Pantry Outdoors 24/7, Indoors M-F 12pm-2pm
Help with utilities, rent, gas for medical appointments, food pantry appointments, prescriptions
- Oscoda (989) 739-9400
- Hale (989) 728-3474
- Tawas (989) 362-8788
Loaves & Fishes Cafe (989) 739-8591 Nov – April Monday and Thursday 11am – 1pm Located at OUMC
Hot Soup, sandwich and dessert
NEMSCA (989) 358-4700
Help with housing, utilities, food and auto repair
Salvation Army
Help with rent, gas for medical appointments, food, prescriptions, clothing, some furniture
- Oscoda (989) 305-0751
- Tawas (989) 305-2442
Emmanuel Mission Homeless Shelter (989) 739-5751
Help with homelessness temporary shelter
Alpena Sunrise Mission (989)356-1277
Help with homelessness temporary shelter
Hope shores Alliance Woman’s Shelter (800) 396-9129
24 hours help free for all survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, teen dating violence, and stalking.
Lydia’s Gate Mio (989) 826-5588
Help with homelessness temporary shelter
Health Department #2 Tawas (989) 362-6183
Help with health screening, vaccinations, health related issues
Iosco Public Transit (989) 362-8108
Transportation between Oscoda and Tawas
Department of Human Services (989) 362-6629
Emergency services: Food, cash, utilities, home repairs and more
MI-Works Tawas (800) 285-9675
Training and job support
Carole’s Baby Pantry (989) 739-1369 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month. By appointment only.
Assistance with formula, diapers, clothing, bedding
Food Give Away Jan.- Oct. -4th Tuesday of each month Nov. & Dec. 2nd Tuesday of each month. Begins 10:30am until food is gone.
3550 E. River Rd. Oscoda (Located at the Oscoda community schools sports complex)
Harbor Lights Pregnancy Info (989) 305-6308
Information about pregnancy assistance, medical and social referrals, baby items
Ausable Valley Community Health
Help with mental and emotional disabilities
- Oscoda (989) 739-1469
- Tawas (989) 362-8636
- After Hours Emergencies (844) 865-5569
- If you or someone you know is at risk of seriously harming themselves or someone else, Call 911.
AA Meetings Oscoda
C=Closed (Alcoholics Only), O=Open (All Welcome), D= Disscussion, S=Speaker, BB=Big Book, W=Women’s, HA=Handicapped Accessible
- Oscoda United Methodist Church Friday at Noon (C/D/HA)
- Oscoda Church of Christ Monday & Tuesday Noon (O/D/HA), Wednesday Noon (W/HA), Thursday Noon (BB/O/HA)
- Oscoda Assembly of God Saturday Noon (C/D)
- Oscoda Grace Community Church Thursday 6pm (C/A) **Pot Luck last Thursday of the month
Suicide Crisis Hotline 988
St. Vincent DePaul
Help with clothing and some furniture
- Tawas (989) 362-6584
- Mikado (989) 736-6271
Coats for Kids Tawas (989) 362-8191
Winter wear for kids
Hope shores Alliance Woman’s Shelter (800) 396-9129
24 hours help and support for women and children
Adult Protective Services (855) 444-3911
Child Protective Services (855) 444-3911
Veterans Assistance (989) 362-6571
Social Security (800) 772-1213
Legal Aid Iosco County (989) 705-1067