“Love God – Love Others – Serve the World,” and that is exactly what we try (with God’s help) to do through worship, fellowship, study, and community outreach. The world is starving for Jesus Christ and He’s right here! We are here to share Jesus with a needy world and everything we do wish for that purpose. Come check this out in person or online via Facebook live streaming or YouTube. In addition to our three weekly services, our congregation offers many opportunities to serve our community and beyond. Our fellowship groups include women, men, and youth, who focus on missions, worship, and education.
Our congregation includes young families and retirees – and everyone in between. We have two different worship services available. Our traditional Sunday service offers an inspiring sermon, hymns, choir, professional organist, scripture, and a children’s message. Children’s church, nursery, and cry room available. The casual service on Saturday is a more relaxed and informal. It features an awesome praise band that combines traditional hymns and newer praise songs, scripture, and teaching time.
Sundays 10:30am
Saturdays 6pm
Our church is founded on Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone with the work of the apostles and generations of Christians who have followed including John Wesley, the 18th century founder of Methodism. We affirm basic Christian beliefs including belief in God as Creator and loving Father, Christ as Son our Savior and Lord, and Holy Spirit as our comforter and enabler. We are children of God through the gift of God’s grace in Jesus Christ and citizens of Christ’s eternal kingdom. We affirm the authority of scripture that tells the story of salvation and guides us in the understanding the truth of God. We also recognize the important parts church tradition, personal experience, and reason play in forming our faith. We embrace the spirit of Christ that was a friend of sinners and outcasts and endeavor to love others as Christ loves us. We look forward to the triumph of righteousness in Jesus Christ whose death on the cross is God’s gift of saving grace to all, and whose resurrection is the promise of eternal life for all.